Sopron basket

locker room


Sopron Basket - Basketball team

Designers - Annabella Hevesi, Gábor Bella
Draughtsmen - Viola Bálint, Ágota Molnár, Réka Almay
Implementors - Gábor Bella, Attila Miletics, Annabella Hevesi and subcontractors
Photography - Annabella Hevesi

Golden, A'Design Award & Competition, Interior and Exhibition Design Category
1st place and special award, Arthungry Award


Behance feature in Architecture - Interior design category
If a product designer’s first interior design adventure or attempt is followed by international and domestic awards, it can mean two things: adaptive talent, which results in the rapid mastery of internal criteria and rules in another ​less known design field; and full awareness of the design methodological conditions and necessities of ​their own design field and the ability to extend its scope. Essentially,  we are talking about the same things here. About ​a design- and planning method, a scheme of ​thought. Not about style, but about habitus.

Of course, this does not mean that there is no difference in the design of an object and a complex system, an interior design object and its components.

However, if this design attitude is not based on instinct, impulsivity, not conceptual, but analytical, not emotional, but rational, then the right design thinking can be exploited: the emerging solutions are ​the consequences of something, ​​logical outcomes of explored condition systems, and they are not born in an arbitrary way or on a whim.

This is how the spaces of the Sopron Basket were born, and especially its furnishings and furniture. And with them, ​by them, a furniture designer was born.
we developed a multilayer cabinet front door- that is magnetic, can be used as a whiteboard, and includes integrated light - thus the team can model their strategy with magnets and notes
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